CRMOverbrook - Customer Relationship Manager and Pageturn
Overbrook is an independent CRM consultancy, specialising in helping businesses, CRM software vendors and their business partners successfully implement and integrate CRM solutions. Overbrook provide a smart, effective way of taking your existing printed material and giving it a complete new dynamic delivered via the web.
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What we do

Overbrook is an independent CRM consultancy, specialising in helping businesses, CRM software vendors and their business partners successfully implement and integrate CRM solutions. Overbrook is an independent CRM consultancy, specialising in helping businesses, CRM software vendors and their business partners successfully implement and integrate CRM solutions.


Consultancy & Business Analysis Overview

Now more than ever, business leaders are challenged to guide their organizations through an ever-shifting landscape of opportunities and pitfalls. The current business climate demands clear decision making by executives, and tools that offer better business intelligence and customer insights are essential for achieving optimal outcomes. Making better-informed decisions is essential to the success of executives and the businesses they manage. More...